(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Number SIX HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX in the Bible

a) Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Revelation 13:18)

b) We are warned to have wisdom over evil and know what the mark of the beast is. What is the mark of the beast? And what is the meaning of 666?

c) Some have seen this number as a reference to Nero, the first emperor to persecute Christians. Other explanations point toward this number as mathematical computations of other evil persons such as Hitler or Mussolini as the Antichrist. Efforts to identify a specific person have been unsatisfactory.

d) The most convincing explanation is this: Since the number seven symbolizes the fullness of God (Genesis 3:1; 5:6), perhaps six is falling one short of completeness. Man was created on the sixth day. Therefore, six is the number representing man.

e) The "mark of the beast" is the counterfeit of "the seal of the living God." (Revelation 7:3) Just as there is a trinity with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit; there is also a trinity with Satan consisting of Satan himself, the first beast, and the false prophet.

f) What it comes down to is who gets our allegiance: the Trinity of the Godhead or the Satanic Trinity.

g) Our allegiance should always be to God and not to Satan. The mark of the beast (666) will then have no chance of being imprinted upon our foreheads, representing our thoughts, or on our hands, representing our action.

h) "Submit yourself therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7)

The End ...
