(Message by Tanny Keng)
1. Prayer for Times of Recession and Economic Trouble
a) During these troubled times of financial turmoil and economic instability, many across the globe are feeling fearful and insecure. Yet this prayer for times of recession reminds us that God is faithful and he will never fail to sustain and guide his children.
Prayer For Times of Recession
God, we thank you for the gift of your presence--
Christ who is your Word made flesh;
Christ who is the wisdom of God and the power of God.
We need your wisdom especially in these troubled times.
In the midst of turmoil and uncertainty, as financial institutions crumble,
And the very economic and social fabric of our lives is shaken,
Many of us are gripped by anxieties and fears,
With the clouds of recession over us, and worsening prospects ahead.
But surely, God, we as your children do not look to the horizon,
Desperately waiting for an economic savior to emerge.
Financial kingdoms, economic empires may come and go,
But throughout, God, you remain our stronghold and refuge.
Those who know your name will put their trust in you.
For you, O God, will not abandon those who seek you.
Right now, God, we seek your wisdom
To guide us where the way is confusing.
We have no better guide than you.
We pray for the countless numbers
Affected by the housing and credit market collapse
Not only in the US, but with ripple effects felt worldwide.
We pray for those who are made homeless, who are retrenched,
Whose life savings and finances have been wiped out.
We pray for those who have come to the end of their rope.
God, be merciful to all who have fallen by the wayside.
We remember and lift up our friends, loved ones, relatives,
Colleagues, business partners, and ourselves.
Especially help the weak and vulnerable, the elderly, the pensioners,
The retirees, and the widows--that they will have ready access
To social aid and not be encumbered by red tape.
Restore hope to those who have lost their livelihood and homes.
Grant peace and healing to families and couples
Whose relationships have been strained.
We pray for those who do not know you and have no one to turn to,
The many who have been driven to despair and even suicide.
Lord, in these troubled times, we pray for strength and resilience.
Cause your church, the Body of Christ, to be a beacon of light and hope.
Make us ready to stand alongside those who are
Weighted down by the pressure of living.
Enable us to bring your compassionate presence
Through the sharing of each other's burdens.
Christ, you are the light which darkness cannot overcome.
Indeed, darkness is not dark to you;
For the night is as bright as day.
Christ, be the light which dispels our darkness
And restore order to our inner chaos.
Deliver us from the darkness of our self-centered ways;
From greed, envy and ignorance;
From unrestrained passions;
From the darkness of despair, futility and despondency.
Christ, the wisdom of God
In our moments of anxiety and insecurity,
You are the voice of faith who proclaims, "Peace, be still."
In a culture of greed and mistrust, fill us with hope.
Despite the pain of loss and failure,
Let hope enable us to see God in all situations and events.
You are a God who is in control,
A God of all possibilities,
A God of new beginnings.
You are the voice of reason,
Who summons us back to sanity.
You remind us of our kingdom priorities;
Although we are in the world,
We are to transcend the ways of the world.
Help us to live wisely, with moderation and prudence,
To exercise discernment and sound judgment,
And conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of our calling.
God, enable us by your wisdom to keep things in perspective.
For, God, you are bigger than the problems we face each day.
We remember your mercy and faithfulness.
Through your counsel and encouragement,
You have enabled us to overcome the many setbacks and adversities of life.
We continue now, to trust in your goodness and provision.
For you are a God who hears, answers, and acts on our behalf,
Out of the abundance of your eternal love.
We trust you in your grace and mercy to sustain us.
The End ...

a) During these troubled times of financial turmoil and economic instability, many across the globe are feeling fearful and insecure. Yet this prayer for times of recession reminds us that God is faithful and he will never fail to sustain and guide his children.
Prayer For Times of Recession
God, we thank you for the gift of your presence--
Christ who is your Word made flesh;
Christ who is the wisdom of God and the power of God.
We need your wisdom especially in these troubled times.
In the midst of turmoil and uncertainty, as financial institutions crumble,
And the very economic and social fabric of our lives is shaken,
Many of us are gripped by anxieties and fears,
With the clouds of recession over us, and worsening prospects ahead.
But surely, God, we as your children do not look to the horizon,
Desperately waiting for an economic savior to emerge.
Financial kingdoms, economic empires may come and go,
But throughout, God, you remain our stronghold and refuge.
Those who know your name will put their trust in you.
For you, O God, will not abandon those who seek you.
Right now, God, we seek your wisdom
To guide us where the way is confusing.
We have no better guide than you.
We pray for the countless numbers
Affected by the housing and credit market collapse
Not only in the US, but with ripple effects felt worldwide.
We pray for those who are made homeless, who are retrenched,
Whose life savings and finances have been wiped out.
We pray for those who have come to the end of their rope.
God, be merciful to all who have fallen by the wayside.
We remember and lift up our friends, loved ones, relatives,
Colleagues, business partners, and ourselves.
Especially help the weak and vulnerable, the elderly, the pensioners,
The retirees, and the widows--that they will have ready access
To social aid and not be encumbered by red tape.
Restore hope to those who have lost their livelihood and homes.
Grant peace and healing to families and couples
Whose relationships have been strained.
We pray for those who do not know you and have no one to turn to,
The many who have been driven to despair and even suicide.
Lord, in these troubled times, we pray for strength and resilience.
Cause your church, the Body of Christ, to be a beacon of light and hope.
Make us ready to stand alongside those who are
Weighted down by the pressure of living.
Enable us to bring your compassionate presence
Through the sharing of each other's burdens.
Christ, you are the light which darkness cannot overcome.
Indeed, darkness is not dark to you;
For the night is as bright as day.
Christ, be the light which dispels our darkness
And restore order to our inner chaos.
Deliver us from the darkness of our self-centered ways;
From greed, envy and ignorance;
From unrestrained passions;
From the darkness of despair, futility and despondency.
Christ, the wisdom of God
In our moments of anxiety and insecurity,
You are the voice of faith who proclaims, "Peace, be still."
In a culture of greed and mistrust, fill us with hope.
Despite the pain of loss and failure,
Let hope enable us to see God in all situations and events.
You are a God who is in control,
A God of all possibilities,
A God of new beginnings.
You are the voice of reason,
Who summons us back to sanity.
You remind us of our kingdom priorities;
Although we are in the world,
We are to transcend the ways of the world.
Help us to live wisely, with moderation and prudence,
To exercise discernment and sound judgment,
And conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of our calling.
God, enable us by your wisdom to keep things in perspective.
For, God, you are bigger than the problems we face each day.
We remember your mercy and faithfulness.
Through your counsel and encouragement,
You have enabled us to overcome the many setbacks and adversities of life.
We continue now, to trust in your goodness and provision.
For you are a God who hears, answers, and acts on our behalf,
Out of the abundance of your eternal love.
We trust you in your grace and mercy to sustain us.
The End ...
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