(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Numerology

a) Numerology is what Bible scholars believe is the placing of meaning on numbers in the Scriptures.  There is said to be numerical values in the numbers in the Pentateuch or what is known as the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. 

b) Numerology is by no means restricted to the Old Testament but is said to be found throughout the Bible – from Genesis to Exodus.  

c) Numerology attempts to explain the meaning of these numbers to see what God may be telling us by using them and the interpretation of them relating to the Scriptures or verses where they found.

d) Examples are the numbers three, six, seven, and ten, but there are more. Numbers are thought to be symbolic of the sovereignty of God and so let‘s take a look at certain numbers and their meanings.

2. The Number One (1)

a) The number one is a number of unity or absolute singleness.  Deuteronomy 6:4 says, “The Lord our God is One.”  God is one God in Three Persons, but still One God.  This is difficult to wrap our minds around and a hard concept to explain but that is why God is infinite and the finite mind can not comprehend all of God. 

The End ...
