1. End Times

a) Many people are fascinated with thinking and studying about the end times. The study of Eschatology (or end times) is a very large subject. Deep down inside all of us we long to know what is next or what happens after this life.

b) If you have ever attended a funeral service for anyone you probably asked yourself this question. In fact, contemplation of what happens after this life will often lead someone to search their own faith and belief system. For us, it lead to making a decision to follow Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. He is the only answer that makes any sense in our mind. 

c) The Bible tells us much about not only Jesus but how this world will one day end. Major events like judgment, tribulation, abomination that leads to desolation, the rapture (or to be "caught up" according to Thessalonians), and the millennium will occur one day. 

2. Seventy-Five Days Between Tribulation And Millennium

a) According to Daniel 12.11-12, there will be a period of 75 days after the end of the tribulation during which time judgments of the antichrist, false prophet, and the Gentiles will take place (Matthew 25.31-46).

Daniel 12:11-13 
And from the time that the regular burnt offering is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be 1,290 days.  Blessed is he who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days. But go your way till the end.  And you shall rest and shall stand in your allotted place at the end of the days.

Matthew 25:31-34 
When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on his right, Come, you  who are blessed by my Father,  inherit  the kingdom  prepared for you  from the foundation of the world.

1 Corinthians 15:20-24 
But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. 
