1. Utter A Prayer

a) God has established prayer as the means by which we receive his supernatural help. And without supernatural help, we cannot live a life worthy of the gospel. Everything that distinguishes Christians from the world in a Christlike way is a work of God’s supernatural grace. God has ordained that this grace flows to us through prayer.

b) Maybe you have never prayed to God yourself. Or maybe you’ve prayed for years, but have a hard time knowing why. Most of us sense the desire to pray, and even want to develop a better prayer life, but we don’t know what to pray for.

c) Here is a prayer you may be looking for and desiring to pray...

2. Understanding To Pray Into God’s Will

Dear Lord and heavenly Father, the trials and difficulties that surround us, seem at times to take up so much of our thoughts and prayers, but Lord I ask that You would give me a deeper understanding of how to pray into Your perfect and eternal will, for You have put eternity in my heart and I desire to pray in unity with Your Spirit and in line with Your will - in this world and in the world to come. 

Teach me Lord how to focus on my prayers on Your wider plan for man and all that You have purposed for the world - and give me a deep yearning to join my pleadings with Your perfect plans. May I seek first Your millennial kingdom rule on earth and Your eternal kingdom rule in the eternal ages to come. 

It was the Lord Jesus Who said, “My will is to the will of Him Who sent me and to finish His world,” and Lord, I pray that You would develop in me an increasingly deep desire to carry our Your will and purpose in my life and prayers – and the understanding and discernment to know HOW to pray. 

May You be glorified in my prayers and may my prayers and pleadings be aligned to Your will in Jesus name I pray, Amen.
