BIBLE & WORLD EVENTS: 11 (330-100 B.C.)

(Message by Tanny Keng)

0. Introduction

a) A chronology of Bible and World events helps us appreciate history better in a holistic perspective and will also provide insight with better understanding for us.

b) Event periods: 330-100 B.C.

1. Date: 330 B.C.

a) World Event:

i) Alexander the Great defeats the Persian empire.

2. Date: 312

a) World Event:

i) Romans build first paved road, the "Appian Way," from Rome to Capua.

3. Date: 255 

a) World Event:

i) Hebrew Old Testament translated into Greek and called the "Septuagint."

4. Date: 241

a) World Event:

i) Romans conquer Sicily and add their first non-Italian territory to the Roman empire.

5. Date: 215

a) World Event:

i) Great Wall of China built.

6. Date: 169

a) Bible Event:

i) Temple of Jerusalem plundered by Antiochus IV.

7. Date: 165 

a) Bible Event:

i) Judas Maccabeus begins a revolt against Antiochus IV.

8. Date: 139

a) World Event:

i) Jews and astrologers banished from Rome.

9. Date: 102

a) World Event:

i) First Chinese ships reach east coast of India; ball bearings used in Danish cart wheels.

10. Date: 100

a) World Event:

i) Julius Caesar, first emperor of Rome, born.

The End ...
