1. Exposing Evil

a) It absolutely saddens by the amount of fake Christians in Christianity. Most people who call themselves Christians are rebellious towards the Word of God and when someone rebukes them they say thou shall not judge. First, that verse is talking about hypocritical judging. Second, if you live a continuous sinful lifestyle you’re not a true Christian because you’re supposed to be a new creation.  

b) People don’t like their evil exposed and people don’t like you exposing anyone else so you don’t expose them. These so-called believers today will go against God’s Word and stand up for the devil and fight against God by condoning and supporting wickedness.   

c) Every Biblical leader stood up against evil and many even lost their lives for speaking against it. There is a reason Jesus says true believers will be hated and persecuted. If you desire to live a godly life you will be persecuted and there is no way around it. That is why many believers stay quiet whenever they’re on the hot seat they hush up in fear of man. Jesus spoke up, Stephen spoke up, Paul spoke up so why are we quiet? We must not be afraid to rebuke others. If someone is going astray from Christ are you going to be silent so they won’t hate you or are you going to humbly and lovingly say something? 

d) The Holy Spirit will convict the world of its sins. If we stop defending Christianity, exposing evil, rebuking false teachers, and confronting believers we will have more people lost and led astray. More people will believe false teachings. When you remain quiet then you start joining wickedness and remember God is not mocked. Stop being part of the world, expose it instead and save lives. The person who truly loves Christ is the one who’s going to stand up for Christ no matter what it takes.

2. Acts 13:9-10

 Acts 13:9-10 
Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said, “You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord?  
