(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Ministry 

a) When the Messiah gave a Mission to his disciples to preach his message to the world, he made them ministers of that message. It is important to understand the "ministry" of the gospel.

b) If we do not properly understand the ministry, we may not encourage, support, and respect it, nor participate in it as we should. Paul in Colossians tells us, directly and indirectly, some important things about this ministry.

c) The word "minister" in the Greek (the language Paul used to write to the Colossians) is διακονος which is a normal Greek word for "servant". Your translation may even use the word "servant" rather than "minister". When we talk of "ministers" in the church, we should always think of servants. When we talk of "ministry" we should be thinking of serving. The people of the church do not serve the ministers, the ministers serve the people.

d) In the same way, the message is not something that belongs to the minister, it is something that belongs to the world and which the minister must deliver to the world as the servant of Christ.

2. A Mutual Ministry

a) Some use the term "mutual ministry" to refer to the practice of every baptized male taking his turn in the pulpit regardless of whether or not he is dedicated and competent. This should not be the practice.

b) There is however a characteristic of one-another in the true ministry of the gospel. It is not meant to be a "one-man ministry" where one man is the Boss Preacher so to speak, and takes pre-eminence, but where those who preach are servants, serving together in mutual encouragement, respect, and love. 

The End ...
