(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Women

a) One of the definitions of beauty at dictionary.com is “a beautiful person, especially a woman”. When we think of beauty in a person we generally think of women, however we can see beauty in the actions of any person; male or female. 

b) The Bible has much to say about the beauty of women. Beautiful women may be defined as such because of physical features, but in the Bible we see more about beauty as defined by character. 

c) In Proverbs 31 we even see an entire chapter devoted to what King Lemuel’s mother taught him about the ideal woman. She taught him to look for something beautiful in the woman that he would have for his wife because God made all women to be something beautiful. 

2. Character Traits  

a) Faithful And Trustworthy 

1 Timothy 3:11 
Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things.  

The End ...
