(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Isaiah 45:3

Isaiah 45:3 New King James Version (NKJV)

3 I will give you the treasures of darkness
And hidden riches of secret places,
That you may know that I, the Lord,
Who call you by your name,
Am the God of Israel.

1. Treasures Of Darkness

a) The expression, treasures of darkness, does not mean that they are dark treasures, but they are hidden in darkness until brought to light. The treasures of Babylon are like the treasures in a bank vault. The ones of Babylon were locked in the darkness of that kingdom until broken into and they were taken by Cyrus.

b) It is the same in the spirit. There are treasures of the Lord Jesus that are hidden away in secret places. These secret places can be deep within individuals, in religious organisations, and also in the world. Unless it is by the eye of revelation, nobody will peer into those dark places. It will be impossible for us to see the treasures of God’s Kingdom if He does not open our eyes and give us the authority to take them.

c) One might not suspect that the two Babylons, one of religion and the other of the world, would be holding many treasures of God’s riches, but they do, and these treasures are not only spiritual things, but they are also people, peculiar treasures. For the most part neither do they know it nor do they know God; but He knows them and the time will come when they will know Him. As it was with Jacob, He will call them by name. It is then that they will know who they are and will know Him. Whether these treasures are individuals in the darkness of Babylon or the treasures of His attributes that are hidden within the depths of their own souls, when the anointed of the Lord invades those kingdoms, the treasures will be revealed and possessed.

d) These treasures of darkness are to be brought one day into the light, no longer hidden from us or the world. These treasures are not only brought into the light, unveiled, and made known; but as the hour of the unveiling comes, without delay each of us will experiential possess and present them to those in dire need of a long-awaited, refreshing rain. Until that time it can be said, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9.

e) The LORD said that He would give His anointed, Cyrus, the hidden riches of secret places. Those natural riches of gold, silver, and precious gems symbolized greater riches that have been hidden away and awaiting discovery by today’s anointed.

f) They are spiritual in nature and each is worth more than a thousand worlds filled with treasures of gold, rare gems, or inexhaustible fields of grain! We yearn to see them, to know with clarity the richest discoveries of the wisdom and goodness of God. Although some have been revealed to us, many more are still a mystery. If they were not, there would be nothing lacking, and His Kingdom would be fully manifested. So, they remain concealed even from the keen eye of those who soar like the eagles. 

The End ...
