(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Places In Acts

a) We look at the places mentioned in Acts. Each place is located on a map and then we note the people and events associated with that place. Each place contains some information mentioned in the book of Acts. 

2. Caesarea

i) Pronounced Sez-uh-ree'-uh.

ii) Prominent sea port on the coast of Samaria.

iii) To be distinguished from Caesarea Philippi further north and inland.

iv) Philip preached in Caesarea of Samaria (Acts 8:40).

v) Paul visited Casearea after his conversion, and during his 2nd and 3rd missionary journeys (Acts 9:30, 18:22, 21:8).

vi) Cornelius the centurion was from Caesarea (Acts 10:1).

viii) When Paul’s nephew exposed a plot to kill Paul, the chief captain sent Paul with an escort of several hundred soldiers to the seaport of Caesarea (Acts 23:11-33).

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