(Message by Tanny Keng)

1) 14th May 2014 (Wednesday)

a) On one unplanned occasion, my wife and I met up with a close friend, Albert. In this meeting, I told Albert that the Lord had revealed number 14 for him. At first, he didn't look excited but later he told me that number 14 is his home address number. This number 14 is actually represented a date 14th May 2014 (Wednesday) for him. How? Simple 1 + 4 = 5 means for the month of May and 14 is the day for the month this year 2014. 

b) On another occasion, I had prayed for a home cell leader, Peter and number 14 was revealed for him. I told him that this number 14 is special for him and it is actually represented a date 14th May 2014. This is a double confirmation for the same date.

2) 23rd May 2014 (Friday)

a) On one occasion the Lord revealed number 23 for my family cell. Number 23 is actually represented a date 23rd May 2014 (Friday). How? 2+3= 5 means for the month of May and 23 is the day for the month this year 2014. We will have a time of celebration for this occasion.

b) On another separate occasion, the Lord reminded me of the same number 23 when I was praying for my eldest son who was very sick. It also means the same thing and for that I have sent a word to encourage him. This is a double confirmation for the same date.

3. Special Duration

a) I checked and found that there is a duration of 10 days between 14th May 2014 to 23rd May 2014. This duration of 10 days will be an outpouring of God's goodness because of his grace. We may experience something we never have experienced before. It is going to be supernatural, uncommon, extra-ordinary because the goodness poured out to us is not from this world. God is the One! 

The End ...
