(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Introduction

a) The Bible is full of wonderful stories and special truth. What we want to do is to discover the Bible.  

b) Psalm 119:11 says, "Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You." 

c) Nurture and grow your understanding of the Bible as you read and discover the Bible.  

2.  The Kingdom of God

a) "Kingdom" means "reign, rule."

b) Scripture refers to a time when Christ will reign over the earth, and a time when He will turn His reign over to His Father for the establishment of an eternal Kingdom (1 Corinthians 15:20-26).

c) However, Jesus taught that "the Kingdom of God is in your midst" (Luke 17:21). Thus we see that while the Kingdom is future, it's also present.

d) Presently, the Kingdom, or Reign, of our God is within the lives of those who have declared themselves to belong to His "territory."

e) This is a deeply personal commitment. No one makes it for you, and no one gives it to you. You must do it for yourself! Romans 10:9-10 gives the simple, yet life-changing, commitment God requires for us to make. When we do so, we are a part of the Kingdom of God on earth today. We are the place where Jesus now reigns.

f) But there is another powerful truth: when Jesus died on the cross, His death gave Him the right to claim ownership of everything! Abraham Kuyper has said, "There is no sphere of this earth over which Jesus Christ does not say, "MINE!"

g) Thus, when you have become a member of His Kingdom, you live in two worlds at the same time. One of them is the "Kingdom of this world," and the other is the "Kingdom of our Christ."

h) In order to live in that spiritual world, the Kingdom of our Christ, you are given special faculties to hear, see, and function in it. Your physical faculties of hearing, seeing, etc., are not adequate for life in this spiritual Kingdom. Thus, God's Holy Spirit awards you spiritual gifts.

The End ...
