(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Adventures Of Joseph

a) The time of the promises to Abraham spans the generations of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It also includes the marvelous story and time of Jacob's son Joseph.

2. Joseph's Ups And Downs

1. Favored son of Jacob,

2. Sold into slavery,

3. Made overseer in Potiphar's house,

4. In prison after resisting Potiphar's wife,

5. Made overseer of the prisoners,

6. Chief butler forgets him,

7. Chief butler remembers him,

8. Interprets Pharaoh's dreams,

9. Made governor of all Egypt, marries, has children, and is reunited with his father and brothers.

a) Our lives have their ups and downs too. Never forget God, whether you are up on top or down at rock bottom. Sometimes we have adversity even when we do good. God is always guiding us, even when things seem blackest. We can react to adversity with wisdom, faith, hope, and love, just as Joseph did. God will not forsake us. Trust at all times in his good promises.

The End ...
