(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Josiah 

a) We look at Judah's king Josiah, third king after Hezekiah, and like him a godly man.

2. Bible Summary (2 Kings 21-23)

@1. Manasseh becomes Judah's king (2 Kings 21).

@2. Manasseh practices worse idolatry than the pagans (2 Kings 21).

@3. God foretells Judah's punishment (2 Kings 21).

@4. Amon becomes king. He too is wicked (2 Kings 21).

@5. Amon is assassinated. Josiah succeeds him (2 Kings 21).

@6. Josiah is a good king like David (2 Kings 22).

@7. The book of the law is found (2 Kings 22).

@8. Josiah confirms the covenant and purges Judah of idols (2 Kings 23).

@9. The Passover observed. There had been none like it since the days of the judges (2 Kings 23).

@10. Josiah killed in battle with Pharaoh Neco (2 Kings 23).

@11. Jehoahaz becomes king and does evil (2 Kings 23). 

The End ...
