(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Bondage In Egypt

a) The times of Israel — BONDAGE IN EGYPT — spans four centuries.

2. Background  

a) Joseph, one of the twelve sons of Israel, was sold to slave traders by his brothers. Yet with God's help, Joseph rose to power in Egypt. His brothers were driven there by a famine which Joseph had foretold.

b) Egypt was surviving the famine because of Joseph's wisdom in storing food during the preceding good years.

c) Joseph, having revealed his identity to his family, forgave his brothers, welcomed them to Egypt, and settled the family in the Egyptian territory of Goshen.

d) When Jacob's family settled in Egypt, they fared well under Joseph's administration. Joseph's power was immense in Egypt, so the Israelites prospered in that land under his protection, and made it their home.

e) However, they would be reminded that their people's eventual home was not to be Egypt but rather Canaan, the land God had sworn to give their descendants to possess it.

f) Between the end of Genesis and the beginning of Exodus, there is a long gap.

g) The introduction to Exodus informs us that "the sons of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly and multiplied, and became exceedingly mighty, so that the land was filled with them."

h) After the death of Joseph, however, the descendants of Jacob were made slaves of the Egyptians as had been foretold (Genesis 15:13-16).

i) This happened because "a new king arose over Egypt who did not know Joseph" (Exodus 1:8). This Pharaoh (possibly Rameses II) not only made slaves of the Israelites, but took drastic steps to stem their increase.

j) He decreed that all their male children be slaughtered at birth. It is in that context that Moses began his life, and his adventures occupy another lesson. 

The End ...
