(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Adventures Of Samuel

a) In the conquest of Canaan, we have looked at both the time of Joshua and of the twelve judges who followed him. Now, the Samuel's story.

b) Samuel's story takes place near the end of the time of the conquest, and at the beginning of Israel's becoming a kingdom.

2.  A Great Man Of God

a) Israel's condition was sad when Samuel was a boy. As one woman said in her dying hour, "The glory has departed from Israel" (1 Samuel 4:22).

b) She was referring to the fact that the ark of the LORD had been captured by the Philistines, but the statement was true generally as well.

c) It is said that "in those days the word of the LORD was rare; there were not many visions" (1 Samuel 3:1).

d) But Samuel turns Israel back to God to a great degree. Idols are cast out and Israel begins to conquer again.

e) With Samuel judging the nation, it unites and strengthens. He prepares the nation to become a great kingdom.

f) Samuel ranks with the first judges, Moses and Joshua. He was a great and faithful man of God. 

The End ...
