(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. David's Throne  

a) The times of Israel now brings us to when David takes the throne. In this, we follow more of David's adventures, but we are giving most of our attention to this promise about his throne and what it means.

2. David's Faith

a) Peter, centuries later, preached about this promise. He claims that David “knew” what had been promised and sworn to him, and he “looked ahead” to its fulfillment and “spoke” of it. David understood and believed that Christ, after his death and resurrection, would sit on the throne and rule from heaven (Acts 2:22-36).

b) The throne of David and the throne of the LORD are one and the same throne (1 Kings 2:12 and 1 Chronicles 29:23 ). Jesus fulfilled the prophecies that the Christ would sit on David's throne, yet he said, "I have sat down with my Father in his throne" (Revelation 3:21).

The End ...
