(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Places In Acts

a) We look at the places mentioned in Acts. Each place is located on a map and then we note the people and events associated with that place. Each place contains some information mentioned in the book of Acts. 

2. Syrtis (Sandbars) 

i) The name of dangerous shallows and sandy shoals near the African coast southwest of Crete and Clauda (Acts 27:17).

ii) Syrtis on the planet Mars was named after it.

iii) Translated “quicksands” in the King James Version.

iv) Most likely Syrtis Minor, not Syrtis Major.

v) The wind Euraquilo (Acts 27:14) was a northeaster, driving the ship more in the direction of Syrtis Minor.

The End ...
