(Message by Tanny Keng)
1. Miracles In The Bible
a) When people talk about miracles in the Bible, they might automatically think about Jesus. But the Bible is full of miracles performed by other people sent by God, throughout both the Old and the New Testaments. These stories of miracles were written to help God’s people understand more about His love for them and power. As a result, the Israelites would learn to trust in God at all times.
b) Other books in the Old Testament are packed full of miracles. These are mainly performed by prophets: people called by God to represent Him on Earth.
2. Water From The Rock At Meribah
Numbers 20:7-11
God spoke to Moses: “Take the staff. Assemble the community, you and your brother Aaron. Speak to that rock that’s right in front of them and it will give water. You will bring water out of the rock for them; congregation and cattle will both drink.”
Moses took the staff away from God’s presence, as commanded. He and Aaron rounded up the whole congregation in front of the rock. Moses spoke: “Listen, rebels! Do we have to bring water out of this rock for you?”
With that Moses raised his arm and slammed his staff against the rock—once, twice. Water poured out. Congregation and cattle drank.
The End ...

a) When people talk about miracles in the Bible, they might automatically think about Jesus. But the Bible is full of miracles performed by other people sent by God, throughout both the Old and the New Testaments. These stories of miracles were written to help God’s people understand more about His love for them and power. As a result, the Israelites would learn to trust in God at all times.
b) Other books in the Old Testament are packed full of miracles. These are mainly performed by prophets: people called by God to represent Him on Earth.
2. Water From The Rock At Meribah
Numbers 20:7-11
God spoke to Moses: “Take the staff. Assemble the community, you and your brother Aaron. Speak to that rock that’s right in front of them and it will give water. You will bring water out of the rock for them; congregation and cattle will both drink.”
Moses took the staff away from God’s presence, as commanded. He and Aaron rounded up the whole congregation in front of the rock. Moses spoke: “Listen, rebels! Do we have to bring water out of this rock for you?”
With that Moses raised his arm and slammed his staff against the rock—once, twice. Water poured out. Congregation and cattle drank.
The End ...
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