(Message by Tanny Keng)

0. Introduction

a) Like pointing out the similarities and differences between the photograph of a person, the writer of Hebrews shows the connection between the old Mosaic covenant and the new messianic covenant. He proves that the old covenant was a shadow of the real Christ.

1. The Old Covenant under Moses

i) Eternal standards and rules.

a) The New Covenant in Christ

i) Internal standards - a new heart.

b) Application

i) God sees both actions and motives - we are accountable to God, not rules.

2. The Old Covenant under Moses

i) Limited access to God.

a) The New Covenant in Christ

i) Unlimited access to God.

b) Application

i) God is personally available.

3. The Old Covenant under Moses

i) Based on fear.

a) The New Covenant in Christ

i) Based on love and forgiveness.

b) Application

i) Forgiveness keeps our failures from destroying the agreement.

4. The Old Covenant under Moses

i) Legal cleansing.

a) The New Covenant in Christ

i) Personal cleansing.

b) Application

i) God's cleansing is complete.

5. The Old Covenant under Moses

i) Continual sacrifice.

a) The New Covenant in Christ

i) Conclusive sacrifice.

b) Application

i) Christ's sacrifice was perfect and final.

The End ...
