(Message by Tanny Keng)
0. Introduction
a) Does God offer us a second chance to be saved and live forever? Or are the vast majority of humans going to Hell? Are there only two types of people as far as God is concerned - the SAVED and the LOST? What is the spiritual status of newborn babies?
b) If humans are, by default, considered totally LOST at birth, then if they die soon after being born does God consign them to the bowels of eternal torment - even though they never understood the Gospel? But what if he considers humans initially in a SAVED condition at birth. At what time would he hold the child accountable for his choices and consider what they could do as SIN? If the child takes something that is not his or hers at age three, do they then become 'lost' in the eyes of the Almighty? If they act rebelliously at age two do they get tossed into an ever-painful lake of fire upon death?
c) A well-known religious talk show personality summed up the issue by asking if God would throw into an eternal hell someone who NEVER understood, let alone heard, the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. He quoted another preacher who said the following (paraphrased).
i) "Does it make any sense that a sweet and innocent little boy or girl will be consigned by God to leap from flaming brick to flaming brick in Hell FOREVER simply because a missionary or minister could not get to them because of car problems?"
d) Skeptics of the concept that mankind is either saved or lost state that MANY people have not so much as heard the name of God, let alone understood his Word or even comprehended salvation. It would therefore be unjust for them to be totally responsible for their spiritual status and be cast away.
e) The moderator, however, stated that he believed God has revealed his saving truth to all mankind, in all times, no matter where they lived. His conclusion was that we receive our FIRST and ONLY chance at salvation the moment we are born into the world.
1. A second chance at the second resurrection
a) There is ironically some truth to the idea that there are only two classes of humans. However, instead of being either 'saved' or 'lost,' it is far more accurate to say humans are either 'saved' or 'waiting' (meaning waiting for God to open their minds to fully understand the truth).
b) The apostle Paul tell us those considered saved will be resurrected at the return of Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:16). This, however, does not tell us what happens to the vast multitude of humans who were 'waiting' yet died in this life. The book of Revelation has our answer.
i) 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were over.) (Revelation 20:5)
c) Those who were in a state of 'waiting' during their initial physical existence will not live again until after Jesus' 1,000 year reign on earth. It is then that they will be resurrected.
The End ...
a) Does God offer us a second chance to be saved and live forever? Or are the vast majority of humans going to Hell? Are there only two types of people as far as God is concerned - the SAVED and the LOST? What is the spiritual status of newborn babies?
b) If humans are, by default, considered totally LOST at birth, then if they die soon after being born does God consign them to the bowels of eternal torment - even though they never understood the Gospel? But what if he considers humans initially in a SAVED condition at birth. At what time would he hold the child accountable for his choices and consider what they could do as SIN? If the child takes something that is not his or hers at age three, do they then become 'lost' in the eyes of the Almighty? If they act rebelliously at age two do they get tossed into an ever-painful lake of fire upon death?
c) A well-known religious talk show personality summed up the issue by asking if God would throw into an eternal hell someone who NEVER understood, let alone heard, the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. He quoted another preacher who said the following (paraphrased).
i) "Does it make any sense that a sweet and innocent little boy or girl will be consigned by God to leap from flaming brick to flaming brick in Hell FOREVER simply because a missionary or minister could not get to them because of car problems?"
d) Skeptics of the concept that mankind is either saved or lost state that MANY people have not so much as heard the name of God, let alone understood his Word or even comprehended salvation. It would therefore be unjust for them to be totally responsible for their spiritual status and be cast away.
e) The moderator, however, stated that he believed God has revealed his saving truth to all mankind, in all times, no matter where they lived. His conclusion was that we receive our FIRST and ONLY chance at salvation the moment we are born into the world.
a) There is ironically some truth to the idea that there are only two classes of humans. However, instead of being either 'saved' or 'lost,' it is far more accurate to say humans are either 'saved' or 'waiting' (meaning waiting for God to open their minds to fully understand the truth).
b) The apostle Paul tell us those considered saved will be resurrected at the return of Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:16). This, however, does not tell us what happens to the vast multitude of humans who were 'waiting' yet died in this life. The book of Revelation has our answer.
i) 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were over.) (Revelation 20:5)
c) Those who were in a state of 'waiting' during their initial physical existence will not live again until after Jesus' 1,000 year reign on earth. It is then that they will be resurrected.
The End ...
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