(Message by Tanny Keng)
0. Introduction
a) How is the BEAST mentioned in the book of Revelation related to King Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a giant statue in the form of a man (Daniel 2)? Who will likely be the power that will rule the world during the end time? What exactly is the MARK of the Beast?
b) In order to figure out what the mark of the beast is, we first need to know who and what is the Beast. The key Biblical verses related to this topic are found in Daniel 2 (where it discusses Nebuchadnezzar's image of a great statue), Daniel 7 (where four great animals representing four kingdom are shown coming out of the Sea) and Revelation 13 (where the end time Beast is specially mentioned).
c) The two legs of iron of the great statue in Daniel 2 and the Beast that rises up out of the sea (Revelation 13) are symbolic of the same thing that the fourth animals in Daniel 7 represents. Daniel 7's dreadful and strong beast has teeth of iron and ten horns, making it the most fearsome animal seen in Daniel's dream. It represents the Roman Empire, including its various resurrections, such as the Holy Roman Empire of the Middle Ages.
The End ...

a) How is the BEAST mentioned in the book of Revelation related to King Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a giant statue in the form of a man (Daniel 2)? Who will likely be the power that will rule the world during the end time? What exactly is the MARK of the Beast?
b) In order to figure out what the mark of the beast is, we first need to know who and what is the Beast. The key Biblical verses related to this topic are found in Daniel 2 (where it discusses Nebuchadnezzar's image of a great statue), Daniel 7 (where four great animals representing four kingdom are shown coming out of the Sea) and Revelation 13 (where the end time Beast is specially mentioned).
c) The two legs of iron of the great statue in Daniel 2 and the Beast that rises up out of the sea (Revelation 13) are symbolic of the same thing that the fourth animals in Daniel 7 represents. Daniel 7's dreadful and strong beast has teeth of iron and ten horns, making it the most fearsome animal seen in Daniel's dream. It represents the Roman Empire, including its various resurrections, such as the Holy Roman Empire of the Middle Ages.
1. Identity of the woman
a) If we use history as our guide to interpret these above symbols we arrive at the conclusion that the Roman Catholic church, both in the past and near future, was and will be in an unrighteous alliance with the European-based government that supports it. It may sound incredible and highly unlikely, but the union of church and state that characterized the Middle Ages WILL be reborn fully in the years just ahead of us. The church, or the person who represents her, will publicly perform demonic miracles that will deceive almost everyone into believing the power of God backs him.
a) If we use history as our guide to interpret these above symbols we arrive at the conclusion that the Roman Catholic church, both in the past and near future, was and will be in an unrighteous alliance with the European-based government that supports it. It may sound incredible and highly unlikely, but the union of church and state that characterized the Middle Ages WILL be reborn fully in the years just ahead of us. The church, or the person who represents her, will publicly perform demonic miracles that will deceive almost everyone into believing the power of God backs him.
The End ...
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