(Message by Tanny Keng)
0. Introduction
a) In Hebrew the number eight is (Sh'moneh), from the root (Shah'meyn), "to make fat," "cover with fat," "to super-abound." As a participle it means "one who abounds in strength," etc. As a noun it is "superabundant fertility," "oil," etc. So that as a numeral it is the superabundant number. As seven was so called because the seventh day was the day of completion and rest, so eight, as the eighth day, was over and above this perfect completion, and was indeed the first of a new series, as well as being the eighth. We consider the connection between 8 and 7 in another section.
b) Eight is 7 plus 1. Hence it is the number specially associated with Resurrection and Regeneration, and the beginning of a new era or order. When the whole earth was covered with the flood, it was Noah "the eighth person" (2 Peter 2:5) who stepped out on to a new earth to commence a new order of things. "Eight souls" (1 Peter 3:20) passed through it with him to the new or regenerated world.
c) Hence, too, circumcision was to be performed on the eighth day (Genesis 17:12), because it was the foreshadowing of the true circumcision of the heart, that which was to be "made without hands," even "the putting off of the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ" (Colossians 2:11). This is connected with the new creation. The firstborn was to be given to God on the eighth day (Exodus 22:29-30).
d) In the Bible the number 8, which comes after the number (7) which signifies completeness, symbolizes a new beginning, or a new order of things, a new creation, a new birth, and the resurrection to eternal life.
e) Christ was selected as the Passover Lamb on the 10th day of the first month, a weekly Sabbath (John 12: 28-29). He was crucified on the 14th day (7 + 7, or double completeness) which was also the 4th day of the week. He was in the tomb exactly 3 days and 3 nights. He was resurrected toward the end of the next weekly Sabbath, the 17th (the number of victory). The 17th was also the 8th day when counted inclusively from the 10th day, the day of His selection. Thus, the confluence of these numbers shows Jesus’ perfect sacrifice and His total victory over death.
f) Boys were to be circumcised on the 8th day. Eight symbolizes circumcision of the heart through Christ and the receiving of the Holy Spirit (Romans 2:28-29, Colossians 2:11-13).
g) Those in Christ are becoming a new creation (8), with godly character being created by the power of God’s Spirit (2Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 2:10; 4:23-24).
h) After the 7 weeks of the spring harvest, the next day - the 50th day - is Pentecost (7 x 7 + 1 = 50). This day is also the eighth day of the seventh week. As such, this 8th / 50th day pictures the first resurrection (1Corinthians 15:20-23, 35-55; John 3:3-12; Revelation 14:14-16, 20:4-6). After the 7 days of the Feast of Tabernacles, there is an 8th day — the Last Great Day.
i) There were 8 writers of the New Testament, who wrote of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. The Scriptures were written by 40 different individuals; 40 is 5 (grace) times 8 (a new beginning). By the grace of God mankind has the opportunity for a new beginning — as expounded through the Word of God.
The End ...

a) In Hebrew the number eight is (Sh'moneh), from the root (Shah'meyn), "to make fat," "cover with fat," "to super-abound." As a participle it means "one who abounds in strength," etc. As a noun it is "superabundant fertility," "oil," etc. So that as a numeral it is the superabundant number. As seven was so called because the seventh day was the day of completion and rest, so eight, as the eighth day, was over and above this perfect completion, and was indeed the first of a new series, as well as being the eighth. We consider the connection between 8 and 7 in another section.
b) Eight is 7 plus 1. Hence it is the number specially associated with Resurrection and Regeneration, and the beginning of a new era or order. When the whole earth was covered with the flood, it was Noah "the eighth person" (2 Peter 2:5) who stepped out on to a new earth to commence a new order of things. "Eight souls" (1 Peter 3:20) passed through it with him to the new or regenerated world.
c) Hence, too, circumcision was to be performed on the eighth day (Genesis 17:12), because it was the foreshadowing of the true circumcision of the heart, that which was to be "made without hands," even "the putting off of the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ" (Colossians 2:11). This is connected with the new creation. The firstborn was to be given to God on the eighth day (Exodus 22:29-30).
d) In the Bible the number 8, which comes after the number (7) which signifies completeness, symbolizes a new beginning, or a new order of things, a new creation, a new birth, and the resurrection to eternal life.
e) Christ was selected as the Passover Lamb on the 10th day of the first month, a weekly Sabbath (John 12: 28-29). He was crucified on the 14th day (7 + 7, or double completeness) which was also the 4th day of the week. He was in the tomb exactly 3 days and 3 nights. He was resurrected toward the end of the next weekly Sabbath, the 17th (the number of victory). The 17th was also the 8th day when counted inclusively from the 10th day, the day of His selection. Thus, the confluence of these numbers shows Jesus’ perfect sacrifice and His total victory over death.
f) Boys were to be circumcised on the 8th day. Eight symbolizes circumcision of the heart through Christ and the receiving of the Holy Spirit (Romans 2:28-29, Colossians 2:11-13).
g) Those in Christ are becoming a new creation (8), with godly character being created by the power of God’s Spirit (2Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 2:10; 4:23-24).
h) After the 7 weeks of the spring harvest, the next day - the 50th day - is Pentecost (7 x 7 + 1 = 50). This day is also the eighth day of the seventh week. As such, this 8th / 50th day pictures the first resurrection (1Corinthians 15:20-23, 35-55; John 3:3-12; Revelation 14:14-16, 20:4-6). After the 7 days of the Feast of Tabernacles, there is an 8th day — the Last Great Day.
i) There were 8 writers of the New Testament, who wrote of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. The Scriptures were written by 40 different individuals; 40 is 5 (grace) times 8 (a new beginning). By the grace of God mankind has the opportunity for a new beginning — as expounded through the Word of God.
The End ...
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