(Message by Tanny Keng)
0. Introduction
a) We now come to the spiritual importance of the number two. We have seen that One excludes all difference, and denotes that which is sovereign. But Two affirms that there is a difference - there is another; while One affirms that there is not another! This difference may be for good or for evil. A thing may differ from evil, and be good; or it may differ from good, and be evil. Hence, it takes a Two-fold coloring, according to the context.
b) It is the first number by which we can divide another, and therefore in all its uses we may trace this fundamental idea of division or difference.
c) The number two may be, though different in character, yet one as to testimony and friendship. The Second that comes in may be for help and deliverance. But, alas! where man is concerned, this number testifies of his fall, for it more often denotes that difference which implies opposition, enmity, and oppression.
d) When the earth lay in the chaos which had overwhelmed it (Genesis 1:2), its condition was universal ruin and darkness. The second thing recorded in connection with the Creation was the introduction of a second thing - Light; and immediately there was difference and division, for God DIVIDED the light from the darkness. So the second day had division for its great characteristic (Genesis 1:6). "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it DIVIDE the waters from the waters." Here we have Division connected with the second day.
e) This great spiritual significance of the number 2 is maintained throughout the Word of God. Of course we cannot recognize any human arrangements or divisions of books, chapters, or verses, etc. We can take only that division, order, and arrangement which is Divine.
f) The second of any number of things always bears upon it the stamp of difference, and generally of enmity. Take the second statement in the Bible. The first is "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." The second is, "And the earth was [or rather became] without form and void."
g) Here the first speaks of perfection and of order. The second of ruin and desolation, which came to pass at some time, and in some way, and for some reason which are not revealed.
h) The number two signifies union, division and verification by witnesses:
i) The union of husband and wife as one.
ii) The union of Christ and the Church.
iii) The unity between the Old and New Testaments.
iv) The witness of God in the Old and New Testaments.
The End ...

a) We now come to the spiritual importance of the number two. We have seen that One excludes all difference, and denotes that which is sovereign. But Two affirms that there is a difference - there is another; while One affirms that there is not another! This difference may be for good or for evil. A thing may differ from evil, and be good; or it may differ from good, and be evil. Hence, it takes a Two-fold coloring, according to the context.
b) It is the first number by which we can divide another, and therefore in all its uses we may trace this fundamental idea of division or difference.
c) The number two may be, though different in character, yet one as to testimony and friendship. The Second that comes in may be for help and deliverance. But, alas! where man is concerned, this number testifies of his fall, for it more often denotes that difference which implies opposition, enmity, and oppression.
d) When the earth lay in the chaos which had overwhelmed it (Genesis 1:2), its condition was universal ruin and darkness. The second thing recorded in connection with the Creation was the introduction of a second thing - Light; and immediately there was difference and division, for God DIVIDED the light from the darkness. So the second day had division for its great characteristic (Genesis 1:6). "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it DIVIDE the waters from the waters." Here we have Division connected with the second day.
e) This great spiritual significance of the number 2 is maintained throughout the Word of God. Of course we cannot recognize any human arrangements or divisions of books, chapters, or verses, etc. We can take only that division, order, and arrangement which is Divine.
f) The second of any number of things always bears upon it the stamp of difference, and generally of enmity. Take the second statement in the Bible. The first is "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." The second is, "And the earth was [or rather became] without form and void."
g) Here the first speaks of perfection and of order. The second of ruin and desolation, which came to pass at some time, and in some way, and for some reason which are not revealed.
h) The number two signifies union, division and verification by witnesses:
i) The union of husband and wife as one.
ii) The union of Christ and the Church.
iii) The unity between the Old and New Testaments.
iv) The witness of God in the Old and New Testaments.
"And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth." (Revelation 11:3)
The End ...
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