(Message by Tanny Keng)

0. Introduction

a) Does God EXIST? Is FAITH the only proof of his existence? On the other hand, does he want us to PROVE to ourselves that he is REAL?

b) The Bible says "Put me (God) to the test . . ." (Malachi 3:10).

c) It also encourages us to test all things (1Thessalonians 5:21).

d) Our father says that true faith is based on evidence (Hebrews 11:1).

e) The faith we have that the sun will rise tomorrow, though we have not yet seen it, is because we have seen it rise day by day in our lives. 

f) Therefore, we have essentially perfect faith that there exists a sun and that it will be there tomorrow for us.

1. The Atomic Chart

a) Most all of the civilized world today receives some instruction on the structure of matter, in many cases even before high school. In many large dictionaries under the word "element,” you will find a page showing the Atomic Elements. This chart shows what puts the world together. The chart, called the Periodic Table of the Elements, shows each element and its atomic number. If you have an advanced science book, a chemistry book, or physics book, it should also have a Periodic Chart.

b) Hydrogen, the smallest of all atoms, is atomic number 1. Its symbol is H. You will see in the upper part of the Periodic Chart a box with an H and a 1 in it. This is the symbol for this simplest atom, hydrogen, which has one proton in the nucleus (center) and one electron orbiting the nucleus. It is atomic number 1: 1 proton, 1 electron. 

c) In analogy, let us consider a proton like earth and the electron like the moon in orbit around it. The atomic number is always the number of protons (earths) in the nucleus. As you go across the chart to the upper right, the next box has "He" and 2 in it. "He" is the symbol for Helium. Helium has 2 protons in the nucleus and 2 electrons orbiting. Therefore, number two goes to Helium. We could think of the protons as stuck together in the nucleus. In our analogy, this would be as two earths stuck together like a "peanut cluster" and electrons in orbit like two separate moons around the two-earth cluster.

d) As we continue through the chart, we see Lithium, Li, has an atomic number of 3, for it has three protons in the nucleus and 3 electrons in orbit. Therefore, it is with Beryllium, symbol Be, atomic number 4 with four protons in a peanut-like cluster nucleus and 4 four moon-like electrons in orbit.

e) Matter in its elemental form is structured and numbered. Number after number has its atom with that number of protons in the nucleus and that number of electrons orbiting them. Aluminum is number 13 (it is lightweight), Lead (Pb) is number 82, and Uranium is 92, as some examples. In addition, of course the atoms are not living, so how can they have evolved by any stretch of the imagination.

f) A further study of atoms will find even more detail of the structural attributes of God the Designer  (electrons in certain structured orbit levels, a discussion of which is beyond the scope of this article).

g) The Creator God left a trail in his creation work to prove he exists, structured and numbered, undeniable except by the fool (Psalm 53:1).

The End ...
