(Message by Tanny Keng)
1. Hear and obey God's voice
a) Jesus says “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” Recognizing God’s voice and obeying Him is critical for a good relationship with God. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
2. Other Scriptures
(Isaiah 55:8-12)
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. {9} “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. {10} “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, {11} So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. {12} “For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills Shall break forth into singing before you, And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
(Isaiah 58:10-11)
If you extend your soul to the hungry And satisfy the afflicted soul, Then your light shall dawn in the darkness, And your darkness shall be as the noonday. {11} The LORD will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
(Jeremiah 7:23-24)
“But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you.’ {24} “Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but followed the counsels and the dictates of their evil hearts, and went backward and not forward.
The End ...

a) Jesus says “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” Recognizing God’s voice and obeying Him is critical for a good relationship with God. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
2. Other Scriptures
(Isaiah 55:8-12)
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. {9} “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. {10} “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, {11} So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. {12} “For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills Shall break forth into singing before you, And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
(Isaiah 58:10-11)
If you extend your soul to the hungry And satisfy the afflicted soul, Then your light shall dawn in the darkness, And your darkness shall be as the noonday. {11} The LORD will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
(Jeremiah 7:23-24)
“But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you.’ {24} “Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but followed the counsels and the dictates of their evil hearts, and went backward and not forward.
The End ...
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