(Message by Tanny Keng)

0. Introduction

a) Ecclesiastes 5:2 says, "Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything hastily before God."

b) Scripture records the vows of many men and women. Some of these vows proved to be rash and unwise, and others, though extreme, were kept to the letter by those who made them.

c) Let us learn from the examples in God's Word not to make rash vows.

1. Micaiah
(Text: 1 Kings 22:1-28)

2. What is the text all about?

a) The vision Macaiah saw was earlier a picture of a real incident in heaven, or a parable of what was happening on earth, illustrating that the seductive influence of the false prophets would be part of God's judgment upon Ahab. Whether or not God sent a "spirit" (or angel) in disguise, he used the system of false prophets to snare Ahab in his sin. The lying spirit symbolized the way of life for these prophets, who told the king only what he wanted to hear.

b) Does God allow angels ("spirit") to entice people to do evil? To understand evil one must first understand God.

@1. God himself is good.

@2. God created a good world that fell because of man's sin.

@3. Someday God will recreate the world and it will be good again.

@4. God is stronger than evil.

@5. God allows evil, and thus he has control over it. God did not create evil, and he offers help to those who wish to overcome it.

@6. God uses everything - both good and evil - for his good purpose.

c) The Bible shows us a God who hates all evil and will one day do away with it completely and forever. God does not entice anyone to become evil. Those committed to evil, however, may be used by God to sin even more in order to hurry their deserved judgment. We don't need to understand every detail of how God works in order to have perfect confidence in his absolute power over evil and his total goodness toward us.

The End ...
