(Message by Tanny Keng)

0. Introduction

a) Jesus' faithful disciples were ordinary men who became extraordinary because of Jesus Christ. Despite their confusion and lack of understanding during his lifetime, they became powerful witnesses to his resurrection. Their lives were transformed by God's power. The story of Jesus' disciples does not end with the Gospels. It continues in the book of Acts and many of the letters.

1. Name

a) Simon Peter (son of John).

2. Occupation

a) Fisherman.

3. Outstanding characteristics

a) Impulsive, later - bold in preaching about Jesus.

4. Major events in his life

a) One of the three in core group of disciples; recognized Jesus as the Messiah; disowned Christ and repented; preached Pentecost sermon; a leader of the Jerusalem church; baptized Gentiles; wrote 1 and 2 Peter.

5. What Jesus said about him

a) Named him Peter, "rock"; called him "Satan" when he urged Jesus to reject the cross; said he would become a fisher of men; he received revelation from God; he would disown Jesus; he would later be crucified for his faith.

6. A key lesson from his life

a) Christians falter at times, but when they return to Jesus, he forgives them and strengthens their faith.

7. Selected text references

a) Matthew 4:18-20

b) Mark 8:29-33

c) Luke 22:31-34

d) John 21:15-19

e) Acts 2:14-41

f) Acts 10:1-11:18

The End ...
