(Message by Tanny Keng)
1. The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 33
a) The number 33 is connected to a promise or the promises of God. The 33rd time Noah’s name is used in Scripture is when God makes a special covenant or promise with him. The Eternal promises to not destroy the entire world again with a flood and seals His pledge with the sign of the rainbow (Genesis 9:12 - 16).
b) The 33rd time Abraham’s name is used in the Bible is when Isaac, the child of promise, is born to him when he is ninety-nine years old (Genesis 21:1 - 2).
c) Thirty-three also derives some of its meaning from the total number of times 'three' or 'third' is used in the book of Revelation. Because it is the product of 3 times 11 it can represent God's judgment. Thus, Revelation illustrates God’s complete, final judgment of the world, which is ultimately accomplished in the final three-and-one-half year (1,260 days) period leading up to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
2. Appearances of the number thirty-three
a) The divine name of God, Elohim (Strong's Concordance #H430), is initially mentioned in the very first verse of Genesis 1. Elohim appears 33 times in Genesis' story of creation. Thirty-three is also the numeric equivalent of the word AMEN.
b) In relation to King David, although he ruled ancient Israel for a total of forty years, the first seven years he reigned over only the tribe of Judah while the last 33 years he was king over a united Israelite nation. Thirty-three also is a numerical representation of the Star of David (also known as the shield of David or the Magen of David) that is commonly seen in places such as the flag of modern Israel and in Jewish cemeteries.
3. How does the number 33 relate to Jacob's ladder?
b) A very old Jewish tradition, recounted by the first century A.D. historian Josephus, states that Adam and Eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters!
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a) The number 33 is connected to a promise or the promises of God. The 33rd time Noah’s name is used in Scripture is when God makes a special covenant or promise with him. The Eternal promises to not destroy the entire world again with a flood and seals His pledge with the sign of the rainbow (Genesis 9:12 - 16).
b) The 33rd time Abraham’s name is used in the Bible is when Isaac, the child of promise, is born to him when he is ninety-nine years old (Genesis 21:1 - 2).
c) Thirty-three also derives some of its meaning from the total number of times 'three' or 'third' is used in the book of Revelation. Because it is the product of 3 times 11 it can represent God's judgment. Thus, Revelation illustrates God’s complete, final judgment of the world, which is ultimately accomplished in the final three-and-one-half year (1,260 days) period leading up to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
2. Appearances of the number thirty-three
a) The divine name of God, Elohim (Strong's Concordance #H430), is initially mentioned in the very first verse of Genesis 1. Elohim appears 33 times in Genesis' story of creation. Thirty-three is also the numeric equivalent of the word AMEN.
b) In relation to King David, although he ruled ancient Israel for a total of forty years, the first seven years he reigned over only the tribe of Judah while the last 33 years he was king over a united Israelite nation. Thirty-three also is a numerical representation of the Star of David (also known as the shield of David or the Magen of David) that is commonly seen in places such as the flag of modern Israel and in Jewish cemeteries.
3. How does the number 33 relate to Jacob's ladder?
a) The 33rd time Jacob’s name is found in scripture he promised to give a tenth of all he had to God when he had a vision of a ladder reaching to heaven. This is commonly referred to as Jacob's ladder (Genesis 28:10 - 12, 16 - 22).
4. Additional information on the Biblical Meaning of 33
a) The significance of thirty-three is also seen at Jesus' death at the age of 33. His sacrifice, made in 30 A.D., was the fulfillment of countless prophecies and promises concerning the Savior of man.4. Additional information on the Biblical Meaning of 33
b) A very old Jewish tradition, recounted by the first century A.D. historian Josephus, states that Adam and Eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters!
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