(Message by Tanny Keng)
1. Bible Topic
a) To learn what the Bible has to say on a variety of topics affecting our everyday lives, we may find what we are looking for here.
2. Power
a) We experience God's power through the Holy Spirit. It's in the Bible, Acts 1:8, TLB. "But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power to testify about Me with great effect, to the people in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, about My death and resurrection."
b) God has the power to create life. It's in the Bible, Genesis 1:1, NIV. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
c) God has power over the elements of nature. It's in the Bible, Mark 4:39-41, TLB. "Then He rebuked the wind and said to the sea, 'Quiet down!’ And the wind fell, and there was a great calm! And He asked them, 'Why were you so fearful? Don't you even yet have confidence in Me?' And they were filled with awe and said among themselves, 'Who is this man, that even the winds and seas obey Him?'"
d) Jesus has power over sickness and disease. It's in the Bible, Matthew 4:23, TLB. "And He healed every kind of sickness and disease."
e) God has power over demons. It's in the Bible, Mark 6:7, TLB. "And He called his twelve disciples together and sent them out two by two, with power to cast out demons."
f) God has power over death. It's in the Bible, Revelation 21:4, NIV. "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
The End ...
a) To learn what the Bible has to say on a variety of topics affecting our everyday lives, we may find what we are looking for here.
2. Power
a) We experience God's power through the Holy Spirit. It's in the Bible, Acts 1:8, TLB. "But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power to testify about Me with great effect, to the people in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, about My death and resurrection."
b) God has the power to create life. It's in the Bible, Genesis 1:1, NIV. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
c) God has power over the elements of nature. It's in the Bible, Mark 4:39-41, TLB. "Then He rebuked the wind and said to the sea, 'Quiet down!’ And the wind fell, and there was a great calm! And He asked them, 'Why were you so fearful? Don't you even yet have confidence in Me?' And they were filled with awe and said among themselves, 'Who is this man, that even the winds and seas obey Him?'"
d) Jesus has power over sickness and disease. It's in the Bible, Matthew 4:23, TLB. "And He healed every kind of sickness and disease."
e) God has power over demons. It's in the Bible, Mark 6:7, TLB. "And He called his twelve disciples together and sent them out two by two, with power to cast out demons."
f) God has power over death. It's in the Bible, Revelation 21:4, NIV. "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
The End ...
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