(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Who are the Persian kings during Ezra's time?

#1) Name: Cyrus

a) Date of reign: 559 - 530 B.C.

b) Relationship to Israel

@1. Conquered Babylon. Established a policy of returning exiles to their homelands. Sent Zerubbabel to Jerusalem, financed his project, and returned the gold and silver articles that Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple. He probably knew Daniel.

#2) Name: Darius
a) Date of reign: 522 - 486 B.C.

b) Relationship to Israel

@1. Supported the construction of the temple in Jerusalem.

#3) Name: Ahasuerus (Xerxes)

a) Date of reign: 486 - 465 B.C.

b) Relationship to Israel

@1. Was Esther's husband. Allowed the Jews to protect themselves against Haman's attempt to eliminate their people.

#4) Name: Artaxerxes 1

a) Date of reign: 465 - 424 B.C.

b) Relationship to Israel

@1. Had Nehemiah as his cupbearer. Allowed both Ezra and Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem.

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