(Message by Tanny Keng)
1. Who were the Pharisees?
a) The Pharisees were a New Testament political / religious group of influential Jews active in Palestine from the second century B.C. through the first century A.D. They originated roughly around 150 B.C. from a group of scribes and sages who harkened back to the days of the prophet Ezra and the Great Assembly. They had great influence with the masses as opposed to their rivals the Sadducees, who were unpopular with the people due in part to their tendency of siding with the ruling power. The historian Josephus (who was a Pharisee himself) stated:
c) The New Testament Greek word for Pharisee is Pharisaios (Strong’s Concordance #G5330). It comes from the Hebrew word pârâsh (Strong's Concordance #H6567) which means, "to separate or disperse" or "separated ones." Pharisees separated themselves not only from the heathen but also from other influences that regularly came into Palestine. They advocated and adhered to a scrupulous observance of both the written and oral laws as interpreted by Scribes, in accordance with tradition. They believed that in addition to the written Torah (laws of God or first five books of the Old Testament) both they and the Sadducees recognized there existed yet another Torah. This "other" Torah was the Oral Torah, Oral Tradition, or "traditions of the elders" (Matthew 15:1-2). It comprised interpretations of the law that they thought God verbally gave to Moses but which were not included in the written version of the law. They asserted that the written Torah was not complete in and of itself and needed the Oral Torah.
f) The most known person who (at one time) was a Pharisee was the apostle Paul (Philippians 3:5; Acts 23:6; 26:5). He was one of the most zealous adherents before his conversion while traveling on a road to Damascus (Acts 7, 8:1-4, 9). The Bible also mentions a Pharisee named Gamaliel, who some today consider one of the greatest teachers ever of Judaism. The apostle Paul says that Gamaliel taught him when he was young (Acts 22:3).
g) The Gospel accounts portray the Pharisees as opposing both John the Baptist (Luke 7:30) and Jesus (Matthew 12:38-39, 15:12; John 7:47-48). They also, early in Jesus' ministry, plotted with the Herodians to kill him (Mark 3:6). Not all of them, however, were against the gospel or opposed it all of the time. Some of them, like Nicodemus, were favorable to Jesus and believed in his message (John 3:1-2, John 7:50). The early church was composed of many of them (Acts 15:5). In addition, it was the famous Pharisee Gamaliel who recommended that the Sanhedrin not roughly treat the apostles who they had just placed in prison (Acts 5:17-41).
h) Some of Jesus’ harshest criticisms given during his ministry were against the Pharisees. This was likely due to their popularity with the masses and that most people considered them the highest religious authority (as opposed to the Sadducees). In the New Testament Jesus often chided them (many times in public) for their attitudes and actions such as:
The End ...

a) The Pharisees were a New Testament political / religious group of influential Jews active in Palestine from the second century B.C. through the first century A.D. They originated roughly around 150 B.C. from a group of scribes and sages who harkened back to the days of the prophet Ezra and the Great Assembly. They had great influence with the masses as opposed to their rivals the Sadducees, who were unpopular with the people due in part to their tendency of siding with the ruling power. The historian Josephus (who was a Pharisee himself) stated:
"And concerning these things it is that great disputes and differences have arisen among them, while the Sadducees are able to persuade none but the rich, and have not the populace obsequious (obedient or giving deference) to them, but the Pharisees have the multitude on their side. " (Antiquities of the Jews, Book 13, Chapter 10)b) While their rivals received backing from the rich and elite, the Pharisees were popular with the people, who considered them the highest religious authority. They were especially influential in local synagogues. Jesus referenced their authority when he said "'The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat . . . '" (Matthew 23:2).
c) The New Testament Greek word for Pharisee is Pharisaios (Strong’s Concordance #G5330). It comes from the Hebrew word pârâsh (Strong's Concordance #H6567) which means, "to separate or disperse" or "separated ones." Pharisees separated themselves not only from the heathen but also from other influences that regularly came into Palestine. They advocated and adhered to a scrupulous observance of both the written and oral laws as interpreted by Scribes, in accordance with tradition. They believed that in addition to the written Torah (laws of God or first five books of the Old Testament) both they and the Sadducees recognized there existed yet another Torah. This "other" Torah was the Oral Torah, Oral Tradition, or "traditions of the elders" (Matthew 15:1-2). It comprised interpretations of the law that they thought God verbally gave to Moses but which were not included in the written version of the law. They asserted that the written Torah was not complete in and of itself and needed the Oral Torah.
d) The New Testament mentions several traditions practiced by the Pharisees:
- Fasting often (Matthew 9:14, Luke 18:12).
- • They ceremonially washed their hands often, especially before eating bread. They believed "unwashed" hands were defiled (Matthew 15:1-2, Mark 7:1-4).
- The washing of cups, pots, pitchers, tables, etc. often (Mark 7:4).
- The belief that contributions dedicated to the temple (Corban or a gift to God - Mark 7:11) were more important and took precedence over helping their father and mother (the 5th commandment). See Matthew 15:4-9 and Mark 7:9-13.
- They considered plucking an ear of corn to eat on the Sabbath as 'work' and breaking the fourth commandment (Matthew 12:1-2).
f) The most known person who (at one time) was a Pharisee was the apostle Paul (Philippians 3:5; Acts 23:6; 26:5). He was one of the most zealous adherents before his conversion while traveling on a road to Damascus (Acts 7, 8:1-4, 9). The Bible also mentions a Pharisee named Gamaliel, who some today consider one of the greatest teachers ever of Judaism. The apostle Paul says that Gamaliel taught him when he was young (Acts 22:3).
g) The Gospel accounts portray the Pharisees as opposing both John the Baptist (Luke 7:30) and Jesus (Matthew 12:38-39, 15:12; John 7:47-48). They also, early in Jesus' ministry, plotted with the Herodians to kill him (Mark 3:6). Not all of them, however, were against the gospel or opposed it all of the time. Some of them, like Nicodemus, were favorable to Jesus and believed in his message (John 3:1-2, John 7:50). The early church was composed of many of them (Acts 15:5). In addition, it was the famous Pharisee Gamaliel who recommended that the Sanhedrin not roughly treat the apostles who they had just placed in prison (Acts 5:17-41).
h) Some of Jesus’ harshest criticisms given during his ministry were against the Pharisees. This was likely due to their popularity with the masses and that most people considered them the highest religious authority (as opposed to the Sadducees). In the New Testament Jesus often chided them (many times in public) for their attitudes and actions such as:
- Their hypocrisy in pretending to obey the words of God that they taught others (Matthew 23:3)
- Replacing obedience to the word of God with obeying their traditions (Mark 7:1-13)
- Doing good deeds so that others will think well of them (Matthew 23:5)
- Their vanity and exalted view of their importance (Matthew 23:5-12)
- Pretending to care for widows while seeking to have their possessions (Matthew 23:14)
- They obsessed about tithing on even the herbs in their garden, while ignoring the most important teachings of God's word: Justice, Mercy, and Faith (Matthew 23:23-24).
- Despising the masses who they thought were undeserving sinners (Luke 5:30, 7:29-50, 15:2; 18:11; Matthew 9:10-11, etc.).
- Trusting in their own righteousness (Luke 16:15)
- Their covetousness and love of money (Luke 11:39, 16:19-31)
- Asking him (Jesus) to prove he was the Messiah by giving them a sign or performing a great miracle (Matthew 12:38-40, 16:1-4)
The End ...
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