(Message by Tanny Keng)
1. Speaking life-changing words
#1) Story about Joel's mother
a) In 1981, Joel's mother was diagnosed with cancer and given a few weeks to live. Joel never forgot what a shock that news was to his family and he had never seen his mother sick one day in all his life. His mother was extremely healthy and active. She loved being outdoors, working in the yard, working in her flowerbeds.
b) His mother was eventually hospitalized for 21 days, while the doctors ran test after test. They sent her lab work all over the country, hoping to find some key to help her. Finally, they came back with the dreaded report that she had metastatic cancer of the liver. They called Joel's dad out into the hallway and said, "Pastor, we hate to tell you this, but your wife has only a few weeks to live. Not months, weeks ..."
c) Medical science had reached the limits of what they could do. The best and brightest doctors in the world had exhausted their efforts, so they basically sent Joel's mom home to die.
d) Jeol and family expressed their sincere appreciation to the doctors and hospital staff for their hard work, but they refused to accept their opinion.
e) Joel believed that he serves a supernatural God. He is not limited to the laws of nature. He can do what human beings cannot do. He can make a way in our lives where it looks as if there is no way. That's what Joel and family prayed that God would do in his mother's life.
f) Joel's mother never gave up. She refused to speak words of defeat. She didn't complain about how sick or weak she felt, or how awful her life was, or how hopeless her situation looked. She chose to put God's words in her mind and in her mouth.
g) She stared speaking faith-filled words. She started calling in health and calling in healing. All during the day Joel heard her going through the house speaking aloud, "I will live and not die, and I will declare the works of the Lord." She was like a walking Bible!
h) She always confessed that she was strong in the Lord and the power of His might. She studied her Bible and found about 30 or 40 favourite passages of Scripture concerning healing. She wrote them down, and every day, she'd read over them and boldly declare them aloud. Joel saw her walking up and down the driveway, saying, "With long life, He satisfies me and shows me His salvation."
i) She mixed her words with God's Word, and someting powerful began to happen. Her circumstances began to change. Not overnight, but little by little, she began to feel better. She got her appetite back and started gaining weight. Slowly but surely, her strength returned.
j) What was happening? God was watching over His Word to perform it. God was restoring health to her and healing her of her wounds. A few weeks went by and she got a little better. A few months went by, and she was even better. A few years went by, and she just kept on confessing God's Word. Today, it has been more than 20 years since Joel and family received the report that his mother had just a few weeks to live. She is totally free from that cancer, healed by the power of God's Word!
k) She is still confessing God's Word. She gets up every morning and reviews those same Scriptures on the subject of healing. She still speaks those words of faith, victory, and health over her life. She won't leave the house until she does it. Beyond that, she loves to remind, "Mr. Death" that he has no hold on her life. Every time she passes a graveyard, she literally shouts out loud, "With long life He satisfies me and shows me His salvation!" She refuses to give the enemy a foothold.
The End ...

#1) Story about Joel's mother
a) In 1981, Joel's mother was diagnosed with cancer and given a few weeks to live. Joel never forgot what a shock that news was to his family and he had never seen his mother sick one day in all his life. His mother was extremely healthy and active. She loved being outdoors, working in the yard, working in her flowerbeds.
b) His mother was eventually hospitalized for 21 days, while the doctors ran test after test. They sent her lab work all over the country, hoping to find some key to help her. Finally, they came back with the dreaded report that she had metastatic cancer of the liver. They called Joel's dad out into the hallway and said, "Pastor, we hate to tell you this, but your wife has only a few weeks to live. Not months, weeks ..."
c) Medical science had reached the limits of what they could do. The best and brightest doctors in the world had exhausted their efforts, so they basically sent Joel's mom home to die.
d) Jeol and family expressed their sincere appreciation to the doctors and hospital staff for their hard work, but they refused to accept their opinion.
e) Joel believed that he serves a supernatural God. He is not limited to the laws of nature. He can do what human beings cannot do. He can make a way in our lives where it looks as if there is no way. That's what Joel and family prayed that God would do in his mother's life.
f) Joel's mother never gave up. She refused to speak words of defeat. She didn't complain about how sick or weak she felt, or how awful her life was, or how hopeless her situation looked. She chose to put God's words in her mind and in her mouth.
g) She stared speaking faith-filled words. She started calling in health and calling in healing. All during the day Joel heard her going through the house speaking aloud, "I will live and not die, and I will declare the works of the Lord." She was like a walking Bible!
h) She always confessed that she was strong in the Lord and the power of His might. She studied her Bible and found about 30 or 40 favourite passages of Scripture concerning healing. She wrote them down, and every day, she'd read over them and boldly declare them aloud. Joel saw her walking up and down the driveway, saying, "With long life, He satisfies me and shows me His salvation."
i) She mixed her words with God's Word, and someting powerful began to happen. Her circumstances began to change. Not overnight, but little by little, she began to feel better. She got her appetite back and started gaining weight. Slowly but surely, her strength returned.
j) What was happening? God was watching over His Word to perform it. God was restoring health to her and healing her of her wounds. A few weeks went by and she got a little better. A few months went by, and she was even better. A few years went by, and she just kept on confessing God's Word. Today, it has been more than 20 years since Joel and family received the report that his mother had just a few weeks to live. She is totally free from that cancer, healed by the power of God's Word!
k) She is still confessing God's Word. She gets up every morning and reviews those same Scriptures on the subject of healing. She still speaks those words of faith, victory, and health over her life. She won't leave the house until she does it. Beyond that, she loves to remind, "Mr. Death" that he has no hold on her life. Every time she passes a graveyard, she literally shouts out loud, "With long life He satisfies me and shows me His salvation!" She refuses to give the enemy a foothold.
The End ...
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