(Message by Tanny Keng)
1. Speaking a blessing
a) As parents, we can profoundly influence the direction of our children's lives by the words we say to them. As husbands and wives we can set the direction for our entire family. As business owners, we can help set the direction for your employees. With our words, we have the ability to help mould and shape the future of anyone over whom we have influence.
b) And each one of us has influence over somebody. You may not consider yourself a leader, but you have a sphere of influence nonetheless - somebody or some group that looks up to you. Even if you're a teenager, somebody values your opinion. It is vital that we speak "good things" into the lives of those over whom we have influence. That doesn't mean we will never disagree with them or have to confront and correct them. But the general tenor of our words to them and about them should be positive.
c) A well-meaning mother was constantly nagging her teenage son. "You are lazy; you are never going to amount to anything! If you don't shape up, you are never going to get into college. You'll probably wind up getting into trouble." That kinds of negative words will destroy a person quicker than you can imagine. You cannot speak negatively about someone on one hand, then turn around and expect that person to be blessed. If you want your son or daughter to be productive and successful, you need to begin declaring words of life over your children rather than predictions of doom and despair. The Scripture reminds us that with our words we can bless people or we can curse them.
d) In the Old Testament, the people clearly understood the power of the blessing. As the family patriarch approached senility or death, the oldest sons gathered alongside their father. The father would then lay his hands on each son's head and speak loving, faith-filled words over them about their future. Thes pronouncements comprised what was known ever after as "the blessing." The family realized that these were more than Dad's dying wishes; these words carried spiritual authority and had the ability to bring success, prosperity, and health into their future.
e) Many times, children even fought over the father's blessing. They were not fighting over money that they might inherit. Nor were they arguing over the family's business. No, they were fighting over faith-filled words. They realized that if they received the father's blessing, wealth and success would be a natural by-product. Beyond that, they deeply desired the blessing from somebody they loved and respected.
f) One of the most amazing biblical records concerning the power of the blessing comes out of the lives of Jacob and Esau, the two sons of Isaac. Jacob wanted his father's blessing - not just any blessing, but the blessing that rightfully belonged to the firstborn son in the family. Isaac was old, near death, and he was practically blind. One day he called in his son Esau and said, "Esau, go kill some game, and prepare me a meal and I will give you the blessing that belongs to the firstborn son." But Jacob's mother, Rebekah, overheard this conversation. Rebekah loved Jacob more than she loved Esau, so she told Jacob to put on Esau's clothes in an attempt to trick Isaac into giving him the blessing. Then she prepared one of Isaac's favorite meals.
g) While Esau was out in the field hunting, she said to Jacob, "Go to your father and present him this food. And he'll give you the blessing that really belongs to your brother." Jacob recognized the seriousness of this duplicity he said, "But Mother, what if he finds out and I'm lying, and he curses me instead of blesses me? I'll be cursed for the rest of my life!"
h) Think about that! Jacob understood that he was risking his entire future on this gambit. He recognized that the words his father spoke over him would impact him, for either good or evil, the rest of his life.
The End ...

a) As parents, we can profoundly influence the direction of our children's lives by the words we say to them. As husbands and wives we can set the direction for our entire family. As business owners, we can help set the direction for your employees. With our words, we have the ability to help mould and shape the future of anyone over whom we have influence.
b) And each one of us has influence over somebody. You may not consider yourself a leader, but you have a sphere of influence nonetheless - somebody or some group that looks up to you. Even if you're a teenager, somebody values your opinion. It is vital that we speak "good things" into the lives of those over whom we have influence. That doesn't mean we will never disagree with them or have to confront and correct them. But the general tenor of our words to them and about them should be positive.
c) A well-meaning mother was constantly nagging her teenage son. "You are lazy; you are never going to amount to anything! If you don't shape up, you are never going to get into college. You'll probably wind up getting into trouble." That kinds of negative words will destroy a person quicker than you can imagine. You cannot speak negatively about someone on one hand, then turn around and expect that person to be blessed. If you want your son or daughter to be productive and successful, you need to begin declaring words of life over your children rather than predictions of doom and despair. The Scripture reminds us that with our words we can bless people or we can curse them.
d) In the Old Testament, the people clearly understood the power of the blessing. As the family patriarch approached senility or death, the oldest sons gathered alongside their father. The father would then lay his hands on each son's head and speak loving, faith-filled words over them about their future. Thes pronouncements comprised what was known ever after as "the blessing." The family realized that these were more than Dad's dying wishes; these words carried spiritual authority and had the ability to bring success, prosperity, and health into their future.
e) Many times, children even fought over the father's blessing. They were not fighting over money that they might inherit. Nor were they arguing over the family's business. No, they were fighting over faith-filled words. They realized that if they received the father's blessing, wealth and success would be a natural by-product. Beyond that, they deeply desired the blessing from somebody they loved and respected.
f) One of the most amazing biblical records concerning the power of the blessing comes out of the lives of Jacob and Esau, the two sons of Isaac. Jacob wanted his father's blessing - not just any blessing, but the blessing that rightfully belonged to the firstborn son in the family. Isaac was old, near death, and he was practically blind. One day he called in his son Esau and said, "Esau, go kill some game, and prepare me a meal and I will give you the blessing that belongs to the firstborn son." But Jacob's mother, Rebekah, overheard this conversation. Rebekah loved Jacob more than she loved Esau, so she told Jacob to put on Esau's clothes in an attempt to trick Isaac into giving him the blessing. Then she prepared one of Isaac's favorite meals.
g) While Esau was out in the field hunting, she said to Jacob, "Go to your father and present him this food. And he'll give you the blessing that really belongs to your brother." Jacob recognized the seriousness of this duplicity he said, "But Mother, what if he finds out and I'm lying, and he curses me instead of blesses me? I'll be cursed for the rest of my life!"
h) Think about that! Jacob understood that he was risking his entire future on this gambit. He recognized that the words his father spoke over him would impact him, for either good or evil, the rest of his life.
The End ...
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