(Message by Tanny Keng) 

1. Declare God's favor

a) Whether we realize it or not, our words affect our children's future for either good or evil. Our words have the same kind of power that Isaac's words had. We need to speak loving words of approval and acceptance, words that encourage, inspire, and motivate our children to reach for new heights. When we do that, we are speaking blessings into their lives. We are speaking abundance and increase. We are declaring God's favor in their lives.

b) But too often, we slip into being harsh and critical with our children, constantly finding fault in something our children are doing. "Why can't you make better grades? You didn't mow the lawn  right? God clean your room - it looks like a pigpen! You can't do anything right, can you?"

c) Such negative words will cause our children to lose the sense of value God has placed within them. As parents, we do have a responsibility before God and society to train our children, to discipline them when they disobey, to lovingly correct them when they make wrong choices. But we should not constantly harp on our children. If you continually speak words that discourage and dishearten, before long you will destroy your child's self-image. And with your negative words, you will open door, allowing the enemy to bring all kinds of insecurity and inferiority into your child's life. Millions of adults today are still suffering as a result of the negative words their parents spoke over them as children.

d) Remember, if you make the mistake of constantly speaking negative words over your children, you are cursing their future. Moreover, God will hold you responsible as the spiritual authority over your child to make sure that he feels loved, accepted, and approved. You have the responsibility to bless your children.

e) Beyond that, most children get their concepts of who God is and what He is like from their fathers. If their father is mean, critical, and harsh, inevitably the children will grow up with a distorted view of God. If the father is loving, kind, compassionate, and just, the child will better understand God's character.

f) You may have the opportunity to speak God's blessing into your children now, while they are young. Why should you wait till they are teenagers, or in their twenties and about to get married, to begin praying for God's blessing in their lives? No, you are to declare God's blessings over them all the days of their lives. And you will be convinced that your words will impact your children long after they are grown and have children of their own.

g) What are you passing down to the next generation? It's not enough to think it, you must vocalize it. A blessing is not a blessing until it is spoken. Your children need to hear you say words such as, "I love you. I believe in you. I think you are great. There is nobody else like you. You are one of a kind." They need to hear your approval. They need to feel your love. They need your blessing.

h) Your children may be grown and gone, but that shouldn't stop you from picking up to call and encourage them, to tell them you are proud of them, Maybe you didn't do well at blessing your children as they were growing up. It's not too late. Start to do it now!

The End ...
